Spin and partner win award for self-healing paper

ActionWise, a Fault Location Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) module from SCADA ActionNET developed by Spin Engenharia in partnership with Sinapsis Innovation in Energy, won a prize-winning work by the Technical Committee of the International Congress for the Distribution of Electric Energy CIDEL, in Argentina, this year. With title Network auto-reconfiguration system with advanced functionalities…

Spin under new direction

With a view to the future and modernization of the company, Spin Engenharia changes the structure of its management. The objective is to structure a dynamic company, in tune with the speed of change of the market, with a focus on the customer and quality of service. Péricles Leadebal Toledo (right), until then Commercial Director, now occupies the…

Spin will be present at the Technological Park of Brasilia

The Technology Park of Brasilia – BioTIC was created with a focus on innovation in Biotechnology and Information and Communication Technology, aiming to be the main center of scientific, technological and innovation development of the Federal District of Brazil. The project enables the installation of several companies, as well as research institutions and innovation centers.…

ActionNET is presented in Indian event

Spin Engenharia is expanding its activities in the Asian market and has a great partner in SCOPE. The Indian company is Spin’s representative in India and participated in the largest event targeting the electric market in the country. SCOPE develops equipment and solutions for the industrial and electrical markets, operating in several regions of India. The HMI solutions…